Entries by Allied Siding

How to Check and Seal Your Windows

Your windows protect your home from the elements of the outdoors, but are you confident that every crack and crevice is keeping the summer heat and winter winds out? As your windows age, normal wear and tear can gradually create dents and cracks around the windows. Holes in the frame, edges, or crevices of your […]

Should I Replace All of My Windows at Once?

Windows boost your curb appeal, give you opportunities to enjoy the outdoors from the inside of your home, and protect your home from dust, debris, and pollen, but how do you know when they need to be replaced? And, are there benefits to whole-home replacement versus single windows at a time? How Long Do Windows […]

Replacing Window Glass vs Replacing Entire Window

Your windows provide a barrier between you and the elements of the outdoors – pollen, dust, dirt, heat, and more. They’re essential to your home, but they don’t last forever. Double-pane windows should typically be replaced every 15-20 years, but when you’re looking to improve efficiency, fully replacing your windows isn’t your only option. The other […]

Benefits of Brick Veneer

What is Brick Veneer? Brick Veneer is essentially a single layer of full-sized bricks installed adjacent to the exterior walls of your home. In comparison to solid brick walls, brick veneer is typically used as a decorative piece rather than bearing the weight of a home. Solid brick walls contain two layers of brick that […]

Signs of Roof Water Damage

Most people understand the importance of having a roof over their heads, but it’s also important to keep it in good shape. If that’s not the case, your home can develop mold, mildew, leaks, and other major problems. Your roof serves as a barrier from the outside world and even the smallest leak can cause […]

Benefits of Home Window Tinting

All homeowners want to allow some natural sunlight into their home, but too much sunlight can have negative effects on your house, your budget and even your health. There are many reasons that homeowners may want to install reflective home window tints. The Top 7 Reasons to Install Window Tints 1. Protect your skin from […]

Home Improvements & Repairs to Make This Summer

Summer is a favorite season for many. School’s out, so there’s a lot less traffic. It’s also when most people go on fun vacations or beach trips. And no matter how hot it gets, it beats having to shovel snow every day. It’s also a good time to do home improvement projects around the house, […]

What Causes a Door to Warp?

It may seem like a first-world problem, but having a door that catches on the jamb every time you try to open it can be pretty aggravating. Also, depending on how extensive the door warping is, it may become impractical to just simply live with the issue. What causes doors to warp in the first […]

Signs You Need New Gutters

Maintaining the gutters is most likely not on anybody’s list of favorite things. However, this mundane task is crucial to preserve the structural integrity of your home. Maybe you or your spouse clear gutters of leaves every now and then, or maybe you’ve done a good job of providing them with regular maintenance. Regardless of […]

How to Prevent Standing Water on Your Roof

The roof is a massive, integral part of every home. No matter how you look at it, it’s one of those components that you can’t afford to neglect. Do so, and you’ll end up with leaks, mold, and structural damage, to name just a few issues. One of the easiest ways for your roof to […]