Entries by Allied Siding

The Top 8 Benefits of Solar Panels in Texas

For several years now, the topic of solar panel installation has been a popular topic of conversation among homeowners. The general consensus is that it could help you save money, but how do they really work? Considering that they tend to be on the costly side, is it really worth the investment? How Do Solar […]

What Can Cause a Window to Break for No Apparent Reason?

Windows play so many roles in our homes: they let natural light in, serve as insulation, provide protection from the elements and bugs, improve energy efficiency, and add curb appeal. Yet, despite all the great things that can be said about windows, they do have one unnerving characteristic: Sometimes, they break for no apparent reason. […]

What are the Benefits of Double Glazed Windows?

Owning a home means having to stay on top of everything: a working HVAC, a solid roof, landscaping, and replacing windows to name a few. In addition to the standard upkeep practices, there are other items that may have come to your attention, such as installing low-E glass, updating your home’s siding, or glazing windows. What Is […]

How Often Should You Replace Windows in Your Home?

Home ownership comes with many joys: Having a place to call your own, gaining equity with each mortgage payment, and designing and decorating as you please. It also comes with additional expenses. If the roof leaks, if a water pipe bursts, if the toilet stops working, it’s all on you. That said, while some necessary […]

How to Check and Seal Your Windows

Are all the windows in your home properly sealed? Are you 100% sure about that? The truth is that it’s rare for a person to actually feel leaks simply by walking around their home. If you think that if you can’t feel it and there’s no harm done, think again. Drafty windows mean uneven temperatures […]

Benefits of Replacing Your Home’s Roof

How often do you think about your roof? This integral part of your home serves many purposes beyond offering protection from the elements. Having a good roof in place comes with a long list of benefits that impact many areas of your home. Below is a list of advantages that come with replacing your home’s […]

How to Replace Missing or Damaged Asphalt Shingles

A damaged roof comes with several consequences: In a superficial sense, your home looks neglected. In a more serious sense, water could inadvertently start leaking into your attic. As a result, you could end up with damaged insulation and mold growth. Sometimes, the damage is so minor, you may not even notice when it first […]

How to Find and Fix a Roof Leak in 10 Steps

[slideshare id=127799157&doc=how-to-find-and-fix-a-roof-leak-in-10-steps-slide-share-190111224346]   On a scale of 1 to 10, having a leaky roof ranks pretty high when it comes to household issues that can make your blood pressure rise. And while the glaring ones are pretty vexing, not all of them are as obvious. Yet they can all cause extensive damage to your home. […]

Best Ways to Add Privacy to a Patio

One of the joys of being a homeowner is being able to create the perfect environment for your backyard or patio. You can add coverings to enhance your preferred ambiance or sense of style. You can do the same to protect you from mosquitos and environmental elements. And to add to your ease and comfort, […]

7 Creative/Stylish Ways to Cover Your Patio

One of the many things that’s so great about living in Texas is that we get plenty of days to enjoy warm and beautiful weather. From balconies, to patios or gazebos, there are plenty of ways of making your patio area look and feel like a fun and natural extension of your home. But in […]