Energy Efficient Simonton Windows

Watching the snow from a warm place in your home is often comforting and most everyone would agree that it is fun to watch a kitten chasing a sunbeam as it bounces across the floor.  Windows not only provide natural lighting for our homes, filling our favorite places with light and cheer; they allow us to look at our world from the comfort of a controlled environment.

Our windows also have a major impact on our energy bills! Many homeowners will find that their energy bills are higher than the average, especially if they own an older home.  Most people don’t realize just how much air can escape through microscopic cracks around existing windows.  Summer cool and winter warm air escapes easily, leaving your energy system overworked and your wallet empty. Caulking will have minimal effect, if your windows are not double-paned to act as a form of insulation.  It is a common misconception that the more light you allow in, the less energy efficient your home is. As a matter of fact, today’s modern windows are made to fit tightly – making your home as airtight as possible.  Trading your old windows out for new, energy-efficient windows will certainly keep your home warmer in the winter months and much cooler during the hot days of summer.

Replacing your older windows will save you money and add to your home’s value as well as its beauty.  Many homeowners would love to have the natural light that floor-to-ceiling windows bring; energy loss, however, is often a major concern.  With today’s windows, you can have the look you really want, while improving your energy consumption and your carbon footprint.

If you have been thinking about remodeling your house with energy efficient vinyl windows, there are many styles and manufacturers from which to choose.  At the top of the line, you will find Simonton windows; they are well-known for their wide range of products, superior quality and energy efficiency. Simonton windows are available from the East Coast to the West Coast and have been a mainstay in the window industry for more than half a century.  There are a number of ways that Simonton products maximize energy efficiency in their windows and doors:

  • The premium vinyl that is used is an outstanding insulator and offers low conductivity.  This means there is very low temperature transfer into or out of your home.

  • Low E glass coatings reflect infrared light keeping heat inside in the winter and outside in the summer.  It can also reduce fading of carpet, artwork and photos by helping block damaging ultraviolet rays.

  • Unique spacer systems within the insulating glass to help seal the entire unit, create a space for inert gases and further reduce temperature transfer.

  • Impact-resistant laminated glass acts as a barrier against energy loss, reduces noise transmission, helps block damaging UV rays and deters forced entry.

If you are looking to replace your windows and you live in the Houston area, be sure to contact the professional team at Allied Siding and Windows.  Allied Siding and Windows is an exclusive reseller of the Simonton Generations Windows Collection, with a variety of styles, designs and features available to fit your needs and home décor.  In addition, Allied Siding and Windows also has several other Simonton collections available to choose from, including Prism and ProFinish.  All collections include many window styles, such as double-hung, single-hung, casement, and picture windows, along with a variety of door styles.  No matter what your needs are, Simonton windows are a perfect choice for your home.  Replacing your old windows with a Simonton product guarantees that you will be pleased with both the perfect look and the energy savings.

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